Custom foot Orthotics

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  • Custom Foot Orthotics

We are pleased to have the opportunity to assist you with your physical therapy care. Our goal is to provide the highest quality therapy treatments.

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Improper foot function and weight distribution of the lower extremities is often the cause of many lower leg, pelvic, back and neck overuse injuries. In this specific case, the problems can be diagnosed as:

Causes relaxation
Increases blood circulation
Reduces pain and inflammation
Speeds up healing
Helps with muscle tension
Stimulate neural connections
Provides greater flexibility and range of motion
Causes relaxation
Increases blood circulation
Reduces pain and inflammation
Speeds up healing
Helps with muscle tension
Stimulate neural connections
Provides greater flexibility and range of motion

General symptoms:

Causes relaxation
Increases blood circulation
Reduces pain and inflammation
Speeds up healing
Helps with muscle tension
Stimulate neural connections
Provides greater flexibility and range of motion

Casting Technique: Impression foam casting technique Used to Create/Manufacture Orthotics: Foam casting impression, technicians design and mold a custom orthotic; copolymer plastic is formed over positive to create orthotic for patient’s specific correction and symptom needs.

Why Choose Us?

Experience and Expertise
Weekend Opening
Customer Focused
Online Claiming and Submission
Direct billing option.

Are you having health and wellness problems?

Address Business
6970 No.3 Road, Richmond BC V6Y 2C5 (Corner of Granville & No.3)
Contact With Us
Mail Us:
Call Us: +1 604-233-0040
Working Time
Monday - Saturday: 7.00am - 19.00pm
Sunday: 8.30am - 19.30pm

Helping you Move + Feel Better

If you’re living with significant pain and discomfort from an orthopedic(musculoskeletal) condition, you know firsthand how much it can affect your quality of life. Seemingly simple tasks like walking, climbing stairs or evenstanding become much more difficult. On a positive note, our bone, joint and muscle specialists are here to get you moving again.